Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zombie Horde Contest!

People who collect and paint zombie miniatures tend to be a bit obsessive. We want great survivor figures but we especially want lots and LOTS of zombies! To celebrate this, RSquared Studios is having a Zombie Horde Contest. We want to see the best painted and the overall largest hordes of zombie miniatures. Whether you call it a horde, a swarm, or a shamble we want to see your zombies!

Prizes will be zombies from Zombie Plague Miniatures.

First Prize: 3x Joe Zombie, 3x Rose Frum, 1 Dirt Nap, 1 Tubby, 1 Dead Sexy.
Second Prize: 3x Joe Zombie, 1 Dirt Nap, 1 Tubby
Third Prize: 3x Joe Zombie 


1. Zombie miniatures from any manufacturer can be included as part of your horde.

2. Two images must be submitted, one of the overall horde to show how large it is and one close up of the front rank of the horde to show the quality of painting. Judging will be based on both overall size and quality of paint-job. Images should be at least 1000 pixels on the largest side and no larger than 3000 pixels on the largest side in JPEG format.

3. Please no photo manipulation other than basic color correction.

4. Images can be on a gaming board with relevant terrain or on a clear surface like a tabletop or floor.

5. Email your images to by May 12, 2014

Email with any questions. And good luck! 
(Note: Copyrights to images will of course be retained by each entrant but we ask for permission to post images as part of this contest. By entering you grant us this right.)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I nominated you for a Liebster award(play if you want to)
