Monday, December 12, 2016

Vintage Battletech Demolisher Tank

Almost a proto-OGRE.

With two Robotech Tactics Tomahawks.
Needed a bit of hobby meditation last weekend so I built and painted this vintage Battletech Demolisher. It came with a sprue of bits like the pintle mounted guns and the strange "horns". It also included cast metal rods to use for smaller gun barrels but I just used brass wire.

The camo scheme just came together as I was painting, I didn't start out with a plan other than I wanted something dark red. Originally this was going to be for a Horizon Wars Martian army but I had some small House Kurita decals so it went right back to the Battletech universe.

Thse are still available from Iron Wind Metals but are a bit pricey at almost $30us. I'm glad I found mine in my lead horde.


  1. The tank looks awesome Brian! Wish there was a 28mm scale version of it :) The Adlib camo really suits it. The green Marauders/Destroids look the goods too!

    1. Thanks buddy! Adlib Camo is now the official name. :)

  2. Awesome camo. That's one huge awesome looking tank. cheers
