Friday, November 25, 2016

Chainsaw Warrior Art and Comic Script.

A couple of nifty bits from Pete Knifton. First off his interpretation of the Chainsaw Warrior, or CW as he's sometimes known, as well as a script, by Ian Rimmer, for a seven page comic based on CW's fight to destroy Darkness. Pete was kind enough to let me have a go at coloring his art and I had a blast doing it.

Pete also let me know that CW always wore a Hawaiian print shirt under his armor and was quite the slob, often getting called out by his commander for the accumulation of pizza boxes in his apartment. Sounds like me in my teens.

Thanks to Pete for the scans and for sharing this bit of Chainsaw Warrior history!

Art by Pete Knifton. Colors by Brian S. Roe.

(Everything is Copyright Games Workshop, Forever and Ever, Amen.)


  1. Another classic Knifton illustration colourised.....kick arse Brian :)

    I've actually got this game, but still haven't played it, too busy painting. I should get around to playing though, shouldn't I!

    Thanks for the notes too, very insightful into the method they used to flesh out characters :)

    1. Thanks man!

      Being too busy painting is a great way to be. But you should play the game if you get a chance. Be warned, it's frustrating as all hell.

      The mobile game versions are pretty good as well.

  2. Great Stuff. I totally love CW and actually play regularly the two ports to iOS. So thanks a lot for that little trip back in time. I enjoyed it for sure.
