Monday, September 1, 2014

"More Chrome Please.": The MK14 Bullock Jet Cycle.

Only cowards need handlebars.
I've been doing more practice comic book coloring and have started using vintage black and white gaming art as my line-art. I used this drawing of a Warhammer 40K MK14 Bullock Jet Cycle by Pete Knifton as my most recent piece. The scan I had wasn't that great so I did this one quick and dirty but was still pretty happy with how it turned out.

I then went through my collection of White Dwarfs and found a much better image that I could have scanned and used. But I've already colored it once so so c'est la vie. But it made me realize how cool these little bikes were so I scanned the other reference I have in my collection.

Although I don't want to dwell only in the past I still enjoy the humor and obvious fun that the early creators of 40K shared. The test report by Johann Blank sums up this mood quite well.

The detachable combat blade is a nice touch.

"More chrome please."

From the Citadel Miniatures Catalogue Part One, 1988.

From the Citadel/Games Workshop Catalogue Sheet: Warhammer 40,000 Part Two.


  1. Excellent post, I always preferred the Bullock Jetbike to the later 1989 one. Love the colourised artwork as well.

  2. Excellent post. A nice review of a model killed by the "transiciĆ³n" era of the space marines in the early 90's

  3. Yeah, I love all the old line-art illustrations from that period.....actually, I like most line-art to tell you the truth.

    Just think, if GW had made a colourised comic book (like what you have done to that one illustration) back in the day? Would have been awesome!

    Great post :)
